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Applications of the Method

“Movimento é vida. A vida é um processo. Melhore a qualidade do processo e você melhora a própria vida.”

“Se temos uma maneira concreta de ver, temos maneiras concretas de ajudar.”


- Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais



The Feldenkrais Method® is very versatile because it operates in the fundamental levels of sensory-motor functions, awareness and learning. As a general approach to human development it can be efficiently used in various fields and with different purposes. Among the most common are:


Movement difficulties: repetitive strain injury, scoliosis.


Pain: chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain, TMJ pain.


Neurological problems: stroke, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis.


Performance: sports, athletes, dancers, martial arts.


Expression: artists of all types and people in general.


Psychological issues and developmental problems: many therapeutic effects naturally emerges as a result of the re-engagement of the person to the own concrete experience of her/himself and her/his body. 


Self fulfilment: people wishing to improve the quality of their life and to reach their full potential.

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