TrainingOpen For Enrollment
Start January 2015
"In the Feldenkrais Training Program the student learns to start from his experience of himself. I’ve become my own study material and my learning has become continuous and unlimited.” Josefina Nero, physical therapist, Buenos Aires (trainee in the Feldenkrais Training Program in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil)
Until recently, there wasn't a Feldenkrais training in Brazil that followed the International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF) paramenters. In 2009, we changed this and we brought to Brazil for the first time a training program with the same quality of other certicated trainings in the best centers of the world. Jerry Karzen (who?), one of the most renowned and the main students of Moshe's took over direction of the trainings in Brazil and since them has been the Educational Director (E.D.) of the certified trainings in this country.
To study with Jerry Karzen is a great opportunity to learn the Method from a very experienced trainer (more than 30 years of experience) that is also a trainer that preserves the Method's source and is recognized for supporting his students to enhance their abilities of learn to learn, think by themselves, one of the major basis of the Method.
Rio de Janeiro, 2009-2012, graduated the first internationally certified Feldenkrais practitioners around here. The second group is happening in São Paulo (2012-2015) and we are near to graduate another great group of Feldenkrais practitioners.
The applications for a new group are open now in the South of Brazil, in the city of Porto Alegre (2015-2018). For more information, please, surf on the menu above or if you fell like talking to us you're welcome to email or call:
+55 11 99388–4002 (Hans Machado - São Paulo)
+55 51 9877–7232 (Gabriela - Porto Alegre)