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Anna Maria Capponnecchi.

Anna Maria was first drawn to the Feldenkrais Method in 1985 through her work in theater, and this background has enriched her practice all along. 

In the twenty-one years since she graduated, she has accumulated a wide variety of experience in her active private practice, working with adults, infants and children with a variety of disabilities.

While she has developed her own empathetic style of teaching that is both direct and creative, she also understands the efficacy of working in teams. Over the years, she has carried out numerous projects with professionals from the arts, psychology, pediatric neuropsychiatry and medicine, including seminars specifically designed for midwives. Simultaneously, she has been co-ordinating and later teaching in five Rome trainings since1994.

Anna Maria, as Assistant Trainer and Trainer has been teaching in Italy, Europe and Japan.


Ruty Bar.


Ruty Bar, MA, graduated from the Rubin Academy of Dance and Music in Jerusalem and earned a Masters Degree in Movement Therapy from Lesley Boston University. Her Master’s Thesis was an in-depth study of the mind-body connection, and looked at applying the Feldenkrais Method to treat people with special needs. In her youth, Ruty was fortunate to receive individual lessons from Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, which led her to join in 1984 to the first International Feldenkrais Practitioners course in Tel-Aviv.

Ruty leads the teaching staff for Feldenkrais Method Professional Training Programs in Israel, Italy, Greece and Japan.

She teaches in various  Training programs and workshops across Europe and the USA.

Ruty lives with her husband and family, in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Ted Presland.


Ted Presland graduated from the Feldenkrais Training Program in Munich in 1987.

Ted was accredited Assistant Trainer in 1994.

And recieved his Trainer accreditation in 2012.

Ted is English, married with 3 children, and lives in Germany.

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